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Re: Bits from the Release Team - Kicking off Wheezy

On 01/05/11 at 20:51 +0200, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
> Hi, 
> On Sun May 01, 2011 at 20:02:51 +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > 2. determine who is in support of each action plan, through a GR or a
> > poll.
> I don't think we need a GR for that. Those who are interested in rolling
> releases could show that they are interested and just doing so (like
> Norbert/formorer/Rhona/...  did with backports, like Joey Hess did with
> testing-security, like Andi and me did with volatile, ...).
> I am aware this might need changes in some of Debian's infrastructure,
> but i am quite sure if you provide help/patches/... those will be
> implemented.

I don't see how that could work.
Iet's assume that the goal is to demonstrate the interest in the "rename
testing to rolling" scenario, without even talking about what to do during

The first steps of the implementation will include:
- rename testing to rolling. I don't see how ftpmasters would do it
  without a consensus that this is something wanted by the project.
- communicate officially, to the general public, that rolling is not
  only a development branch, but also suited for use by the general
  public (given known limitations). I don't see how the press team would
  publish something like that without a consensus that it's what the
  project thinks.

What was applicable for backports, testing-security or volatile is not
applicable here, because the implications for the project are deeper.
It's not about adding a suite with some different packages in the
margin. It's about shifting developers' focus and user attention a bit.


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