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migration and installation 50 THOUSAND machines

As PART of a study about using Debian GNU / Linux for a massive deployment from 5 thousand
up to 50 thousand machines (desktops AND servers) geographically distributed across a country,
I searched for some installation, configuration and config management tools for this task size [0], [1], [2].
Please, verify if a relevant tool is missing or if there are errors and or omissions.
I found the Alexander Zangerl texts [3] as a good starting point for a broader text.
They are the most aligned with the study objectives that I was able to find.
Do you have some ideas?
Some information about why Debian is suitable for this task?
What tools are suitable for some of the remaining tasks: managing systems, user
accounts, monitoring such big deployment?
Do you have some url more suitable for reading?
The similar sized and profile Debian deployment I can remember is Munich [4], [5].
Andre Felipe Machado

[3] http://people.debian.org/%7Eaz/
[4] http://wiki.debian.org/PressCoverage2006
[5] http://wiki.debian.org/PressCoverage2007

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