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Re: -= PROPOSAL =- Release sarge with amd64

On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 16:30:45 -0700, Adam McKenna <adam@flounder.net> said: 

> I agree with you.  You have the right to do your job however you see
> fit, as long as you are *doing your job*.  If you're not doing your
> job, and your excuse is that as a volunteer, nobody can force you to
> do anything, then you have an attitude problem.

	Inaction, or ignoring,  certain issues may be how I see doing
 my job best.

> I don't see how passive-aggressive ignoring of people serves the
> goals of the project.

	Your lack of imagination is not my problem.

> Likewise, Debianers who constantly participate in large flamewars
> (like this one, for example), while at the same time complaining
> about their lack of time should be similiary scrutinized.

	hey, flaming requires very few grey cells.  Doing real work
 requires more attention and  effort. And again, no one can tell me
 how I must spend my time -- unless they pay for the privilege.

> I'm not trying to pass a GR, Manoj.  Just trying to change the
> attitudes that are destroying the project.  But I guess I'm either

	The attitudes that are destroying the projhect are those that
 think they can abuse people and be rude to them merely because they
 signed up to do something for the project.

> with you or against you, right?  Otherwise, how would you decide
> whether what I'm saying is right or not?

	I don't think you have a basis for that last statement. I have
 flamed people for idiocy irrespective of whether they were for or
 against some viewpoint.  And, in this case, the context is people
 using this stupid GR to force people to act in certain ways -- and
 in that context, you is all thepeople who think this is even a
 halfway decent idea.


"The religion that is afraid of science dishonors God and commits
suicide." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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