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Re: What your ballot should look like if you're in favor of releasing sarge

* Manoj Srivastava (srivasta@debian.org) [040626 07:25]:
> On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 15:19:23 +0200, Josip Rodin <joy@srce.hr> said: 
> > A post res interpretation of it was where it all went wrong, but
> > nobody told us that we should be voting with that in mind.

> 	As the person selecting the "deceptive" and "misleading"
>  title of the GR, I could not have told you what I did not myself know.

I think that is a central observation: From the post view, the title
was misleading. But - during selecting the title, you (and many
others) didn't expect that the title was misleading, but just
considered it a perfectly valid description. So, if someone says:
"misleading title", please don't take that as an accusation, but just
as a matter of fact.

In the end, the title was misleading, the information from the RM was
unknown to many voters, ... - but every of you was convinced that he
is playing fair and has given all informations in time. And - accusing
the secretary or the RM under these circumstances is not helpful.
Instead, we should look what we can improve for such a situation in
future (and this is not only about GRs, but could happen e.g. also
with policy changes, ...).

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