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Bug#181124: general: install dselect with gnome front-end, then remove gnome, dselect fails


thank you _very_ much for responding on this issue.

the first-time install process _does_ say "set the
dselect communication method, you can change it easily later on"
but it doesn't say HOW!!!!

additionally, finding _out_ how is totally impossible unless
you happen to know.

it's not specified anywhere.

man debconf shows -ftype which i only just found in the last
30 seconds but it is not specified what the front-end types

for both an advanced and experienced debian/gnu-linux user
such as myself,


for an inexperienced redhat-rpmmy-webminny-user
recent-convert-to-debian-because-of-me such as my

this issue has us completely exasperated.

dan wants to do debian with as much graphical interfacey
stuff as he can get away with, i do not know what possessed
him to try uninstalling gnome, maybe because it was grinding
his turbo-charged computer into the ground and he had enough
of it thrashing about on an overloaded GUI and got rid of it.

even the commands that you very kindly pointed me to require
information that is lacking before they can be of value.

neither the commands themselves nor their man pages show
you _what_ is needed to be set or got in order to fix the

dan has temporarily reinstalled gnome...

[btw for an inexperienced unix user and even an experienced one
 the level of expertise required to run gnu/linux is quite high.
 it's not that things aren't possible it's just that if you
 don't know, you can never find out how.
 presenting simple text "this is what you can do, here are
 your options, pick one" would go a long long way. ]

On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 12:07:12PM -0500, sean finney wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 04:29:02PM +0000, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> > a single error in installing then subsequently makes it impossible
> > to recover using ANY method, e.g. apt-get -f install, and things
> > get into a totally unusable state.
> not to minimize this problem (yes, debconf should fall back to another
> frontend if one fails), but i believe there still is a way to fix
> your problem.  check out debconf-communicate(1) and debconf-show(1).
> you can use them to get/set debconf db variables (such as 
> debconf/frontend)
> hth
> 	sean

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