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Re: I don't want to use xterm, why am I forced to use it any way?


From: Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au>
Subject: Re: I don't want to use xterm, why am I forced to use it any way?
Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 13:16:07 +1000

> Some notes: this isn't needed on all systems, or even a majority of
> systems. Most people who share a single system are actually likely to come
> from a single country; and when they don't, at the very least they're less
> likely to be running X programs anyway (since they'll probably be remote).
> As such, this doesn't need to be a default. Also, starting up an xterm
> isn't *that* speed critical anyway, so a shell script isn't really *that*
> horrible an idea.

You said that this doesn't need to be a default.  However, you didn't
say that this should not be a default.

> The attached perl script might be a good way of going about
> this. 

Thank you, I may be a maintainer of this script.  However, I think
terminal emulator alone is an important infrastructure like editor
and pager which is related to native language.  I don't need such
a generalized way and I prefer simpler way (though I don't say that
I must not have such a generalized way.)

PS. I will be away and IP-unreachable from tomorrow to March 4th.

Tomohiro KUBOTA <kubota@debian.or.jp>

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