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Re: we need more variation for conffiles

>>"Atsuhito" == Atsuhito Kohda <kohda@pm.tokushima-u.ac.jp> writes:

 Atsuhito> I do not think that there is a perfect solution that can
 Atsuhito> handle every situation well, at least it might be difficult
 Atsuhito> to find such solution, but I only want some better mechanism
 Atsuhito> of conffiles than the current one.

        Do we need to change the mechanism, really? Can't the package
 ask, in the postinst, to make changes anyway? ideally, the postinst
 can make the changes without losing the users local changes. At
 worst, the user is informed by the postinst that the new, improved,
 fixed postinst lies in /usr/share/doc/<pkg>/something.

        You need only ask the user of you detect a broken conffile.

        Frankly, by not making scripts conffiles we can go a long way
 towards avoiding problems.

        And when problems do arise, I think a well written postinst
 can fix the issue.

        We may need toreexamin the conffile handling in the future, I
 am just not convinced that we have been rpesented with a compelling
 argument yet.

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