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Re: Volunteer(s) wanted to help with owner@bugs.debian.org

"Bdale" == Bdale Garbee <bdale@gag.com> writes:

Bdale> Perl5 now.  However, he got really over-zealous and changed a
Bdale> lot of other things, too, so that I'm sure how well what he did
Bdale> would transfer back.

Heh, that's unavoidable when adapting the system for use at a NOC or
Helpdesk -- some bug-tracking assumptions aren't configurable yet.

Bdale> Having said that, if someone is going to do work to package the
Bdale> bug tracking system and would like a copy of what he did to
Bdale> review, I can try and scrape the pieces together...

I would love to see them.

Bdale> My personal wish-list for the bug system is pretty short.  I would

Also its been suggested that the BTS not delete bugs, but store them
in some kind of long-term archive.   Full-text searching couldn't hurt
either.  :-)

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