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Re: Volunteer(s) wanted to help with owner@bugs.debian.org

In article <[🔎] 199806102303.TAA13814@netgod.net> you wrote:

: Also its been suggested that the BTS not delete bugs, but store them
: in some kind of long-term archive.   Full-text searching couldn't hurt
: either.  :-)

The approach we used at work is that bug closure causes the file to get moved
to a different directory... so, in effect, there's a database of open bugs
and a database of closed bugs.  Maybe not optimal, but simple to implement.

The biggest feature-creeps are that we take serious advantage of Apache's 
server-side include features, which cuts down drastically on the amount of
file-whacking in the database... and we don't batch processing, we do each
request as it arrives.  The combination allow us to have near-instant
gratification on bug status changes showing up on the web pages, without
driving the resource requirements on the server way up. 


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