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Re: How to fix a broken postrm in upcoming releases

Dale Scheetz wrote:
>You can use the new package's preinst script to edit the postrm script of
>the old package (you have to edit the script in the dpkg info directory,
>as that is where dpkg goes to execute those scripts.

Maybe you can, but you shouldn't!

If the `postrm upgrade' call fails using the postrm from the old package,
dpkg will try to call `postrm failed-upgrade' using the postrm script
from the -new- package.  Thus, you should never need to go grubbing
around in dpkg's private database.  Remember, there's no guarantee that
the layout of /var/lib/dpkg will stay the same...  It might even move
to /var/state/dpkg sometime, if anyone works out how to do it safely.

I posted some skeleton p{re,ost}{inst,rm} scripts to debian-mentors (or
was it debian-doc?) a few weeks ago; I'll post them again if you like.
I think they do a pretty good job of outlining all the possibilities you
can code for, but in a more easily digestible form than the packaging
manual's description.

Joey Hess wrote:
>Why not leave the hack in forever. I see no reason against it. Many of my
>packages have "do not ever touch or remove this section" areas in their
>maintainer scripts, to deal with issues that arose years ago.

I think this is generally good advice.  However, for bugs in packages
which aren't critical, and where the bugs existed only for a short time
in an unstable package, I think you might as well remove the hack sometime
(possibly a long time) after the next stable release.  I'd say you should
probably keep upgradability from all versions of your package which have
been part of a 'stable' release, though.

Charles Briscoe-Smith
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