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Re: Uploaded ppp 2.3.5-1 (alpha) to master

On Fri, 15 May 1998, Anthony Fok wrote:

> Hello Christopher!  :-)
> I'm not sure whether it was my fault or not, but anyway, I downloaded
> ppp_2.3.5-1_i386 a while ago, and diald wouldn't work any more for some
> reason after I rebooted, so I checked changelog.Debian and saw the
> following:
> > Changes: 
> >  ppp (2.3.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
> >  .
> >    * Not a new Maintainer just trying to help
>        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >    * New upstream release
> Hmm... I forgot who uploaded that package, but if it is true that the guy 
> is not even a Debian maintainer, then... Hmm... how did it get into master's
> Incoming in the first place?  :-)
> Perplexed, I had to use minicom to use my shell account to fetch
> the ppp*.deb packages again.  Note that there are *two* of them currently
> sitting on master:
>     2.3.5-1  from the "Not a new Maintainer just trying to help" person,
>              seems to be broken (?)  (It worked right after I upgraded,
>              but seemed to fail after I rebooted... I didn't check what
>              errors though...)
>              package dated May 8, 1998
>     2.3.5-0.1  by Espy, a trusted Debian developer (by "trusted" I mean
>                I recognize his name.  ;-)
>                package dated May 13?, 1998.
> Anyway, I downloaded Espy's 2.3.5-0.1 version, and voila!  Everything worked
> again.  :-)
> So, if you guys think it is appropriate, could someone remove 2.3.5-1 and
> keep 2.3.5-0.1 on master's Incoming?  Thanks!  :-)


Someones got version numbers confused, haven't they?  2.3.5-1 is a
maintainer release style version number, surely... if it was a NMU, it
should have been 2.3.5-0.2 or 2.3.5-1.1...

or do I misremember my packaging manual..


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