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Re: Questions for maintaining several packages

On Tue, 7 Apr 1998, Bob Hilliard wrote:

>      I have been working on this, and expect to release this package
> soon.  (Actually, it is two binary packages from one source.)
>      wordnet (which you mentioned in your message) is one of the 7
> dictionary databases made available by the DICT group in a format
> suitable for use by the dictd client/server software.  I have
> downloaded the wordnet source package from project/orphaned, but
> haven't had a chance to look at it.  I don't know if that package
> includes any more functionality than the dict package.
I don't know anything about the DICT group and their dict package.
All I know is that wordnet 1.5 is fairly outdated and you should
download 1.6 from the wordnet ftp-server.  If you are working on
a Debian wordnet package I would gladly support you with the automake
stuff I wrote to compile wordnet easily.  If not I will spend my effort
on building the new upstream release in the same way the old one looked
like.  Wordnet 1.6 comes with an advanced tcl/tk GUI which is easy to
use and works much better than the old interface.



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