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Re: User-contrib, up-to-date stable

>>"Michael" == Michael Stone <mstone@itri.loyola.edu> writes:

Michael> Quoting Manoj Srivastava (srivasta@datasync.com):
>> The way it is set up, people may just download sources from hamm,
>> if they are sure the packages would live happily on bo as well, and
>> try ./debian/rules binary. If that works (producing a deb file),
>> and they just feel lucky ;-), they can upgrade the package
>> piecemeal.

Michael> What's the advantage of getting and compiling a hamm package
Michael> over just grabbing the original tarball and compiling? Most
Michael> of the stuff I see nowadays has a ./configure and a
Michael> relatively simple make procedure...

	<Incredulously> what was the last time you did that for a
 significant number of packages? I used to run a home brewed system
 before I moved to Debian (I initially installed SLS at Linux v0.94 or
 so, and upgraded piecemeal by hand until I moved to Debian). 

	There is a significant amount of work required to compile and
 configure a lot of the packages, configure script or no. And lots of
 packages do not come with scripts. Also, most breakages are not
 upstream bugs, they are configuration errors, and a Debian source
 comes with most of that work done for you.

	Add to that that you get dpkg and friends to know that you
 *have* installed the package, and to upgrade when 2.0 comes around,
 it's no contest. Trusat me, you do not want to maintain a home brewed
 system, even if it is mostly in /usr/local.

	All you have to do is add an entry in the debian/changelog
 file (changing the version number by suffixing a .01), and running
 ./debian/rules binary, and installing the package (if you are
 lucky). If you are not lucky, you are probably closer than starting
 from raw upstream sources.

Michael> Quoting Hamish Moffatt (hmoffatt@mail.com):
>> In short, can you really have a current system labelled "stable"?
>> It may be stable, but it needs time to prove itself ...

Michael> How much testing decides whether a package is stable? If
Michael> there's a large amount of upstream testing, and it will run
Michael> on the debian system, how much of a delay is justified? In
Michael> other words, where's the break even point between the benefit
Michael> of fixing _known_ bugs and the risk of introducing _possible_
Michael> bugs?

	These questions are better asked of the qa group. Anybody
 listening? Also, I think that past experience kinda militates against
 the concept of "large amount of upstream testing". I think that the
 free software paradigm has always been that the endusers are part of
 the testing process; and I think that people who run stable have been
 shielded by the (stellar) work of the qa group. Unfortunately, if
 they do their job well, nobody notices them. 

	I find it facinating that the same group of people who find
 unstable "too bleeding edge" are advocating a faster movement
 of packages so that they become available for stable runners. I know,
 I know, the argument is that only ``select'' packages will be
 upgraded. There are few packages that have not broken the system
 badly in their debian history; no matter how select you are; Thats
 why we have unstable. Anyway, anything may break badly in the next

 "Obedience.  A religion of slaves.  A religion of intellectual death.
 I like it.  Don't ask questions, don't think, obey the Word of the
 Lord -- as it has been conveniently brought to you by a man in a
 Rolls with a heavy Rolex on his wrist.  I like that job!  Where can I
 sign up?" Oleg Kiselev,oleg@CS.UCLA.EDU
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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