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Re: User-contrib, up-to-date stable

On Wed, 22 Oct 1997, Michael Stone wrote:

> Quoting Manoj Srivastava (srivasta@datasync.com):
> > 	The way it is set up, people may just download sources from
> >  hamm, if they are sure the packages would live happily on bo
> >  as well, and try ./debian/rules binary. If that works (producing a
> >  deb file), and they just feel lucky ;-), they can upgrade the package
> >  piecemeal.
> What's the advantage of getting and compiling a hamm package over just
> grabbing the original tarball and compiling? Most of the stuff I see
> nowadays has a ./configure and a relatively simple make procedure...

The advantage is that the .deb built can be installed with dpkg and the
packaging system won't loose track of its existance.

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