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Re: User-contrib, up-to-date stable

On Wed, Oct 22, 1997 at 01:49:04PM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:
> What's the advantage of getting and compiling a hamm package over just
> grabbing the original tarball and compiling? Most of the stuff I see
> nowadays has a ./configure and a relatively simple make procedure...

Most, but not all. For example, ghostscript 5.03 requires
some work reading the documentation to work out just which
makefile to use, etc. Also the debian package will have things
set up to use proper paths for debian, and dpkg will be able
to add/remove the package. I quit using Slackware
because I was sick of recompiling from original sources
and making a mess of my file system layout. This is
one of Debian's great advantages.

Hamish Moffatt, StudIEAust              hamish@debian.org, hmoffatt@mail.com
Student, computer science & computer systems engineering.    3rd year, RMIT.
http://hamish.home.ml.org/ (PGP key here)             CPOM: [*****     ] 57%
The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.  --Bohr

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