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Re: list of orphaned / RFA games

On Fri, Jan 11, 2008 at 10:50:46AM -0500, Barry deFreese wrote:
>>>>> scottfree -- Interpreter for Adventure International games
>>>> No upstream update since 1998?  Removal?
>>> Ack, RMed
>> NACK, ITA'd.
> Are you going to bring it in to the games team?  I was going to do that  
> this morning.

OK, no problem. Consider my ITA obsolete, feel free to adopt it.

>>>>> quake2 -- improved version of id Software's Quake II engine
>>>> I filed an ITA but should probably be removed.
>>> ack, RM requested.
>> Is another quake2 engine available in Debian which you can use to play
>> the original game data (and/or the shareware data)? I don't want this to
>> be removed if there's no alternative. If nobody else steps up I might
>> volunteer to maintain it.
> It has an RC bug that can't be fixed from people that I have talked too.  

Which one?

There's some security bug I found, but that has some patches or at least
a patch which warns you about the security risks. Also, the bug is in
the game server AFAICS, so single-player mode should not be affected.

Either way, pretty much all games in Debian must be assumed to have
security bugs, but that's no reason to remove the package. On a box
where security plays an important role (server etc) no sane admin would
install games anyway - for very good reasons.

> What good is that going to do?

What good is removing the package going to do?

> If it is that important, let's package another engine quickly.

As soon as there's another engine in unstable/testing which
allows you to play the original game without any regressions
compared to the quake2 package -- why not... But that's not the case
yet, AFAIK, so IMO the package should stay.

>>>>> nagi -- game interpreter for Sierra Online (tm) AGI games
>>>> Also replaced by scummvm?
>>> RM requested.
>> Did you check whether there are games which work in nagi but not in
>> scummvm (yet)?
> No, I asked the question, I didn't ask for the removal.

Ah, yes, the question was more directed at Lucas Nussbaum, sorry.

>>>>> pouetchess -- 3D chess game
>>>> Probably should be removed.  We already have 3dchess and dreamchess 
>>>> which at least work properly.
>>> ack, RM requested.
>> NACK, ITA'd.
> Why?

Because it's a nice game and I want to maintain it? "We already have
3dchess and dreamchess" is no reason for removal, neither is "there's a
bug in the code". Bugs can be fixed.

Cheers, Uwe.
http://www.hermann-uwe.de  | http://www.holsham-traders.de
http://www.crazy-hacks.org | http://www.unmaintained-free-software.org

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