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Will the real expat please stand up

there are several packages that contain their own copy
of the (XML parser) expat though there is
a Debian package with both shared and static libraries
(libxmltok1/libxmltok1-dev). What's worse, some even
try to install the expat libraries or headers, sometimes
overriding the "official" ones. Recent offenders include
w3c-libwww (tries to install libxmltok.a and libxmlparse.a
into /usr/lib) and libxode1-dev (tries to install
xmlparse.h into /usr/include). Besides, there is a new
version of expat on Sourceforge (now containing "official"
shared library support in one libexpat.so), that is needed
for the latest Perl XML::Parser, but that isn't packaged
for Debian.

Cheers, Roderich
      "Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer 
       for chaos and madness await thee at its end."

Roderich Schupp 		mailto:rsch@ExperTeam.de
ExperTeam GmbH			http://www.experteam.de/
Munich, Germany

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