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ITP: powermanga, rcalc, gniall, broadcast2000, mpeg2movie, xmovie, dgen, ez-ipupdate, netsh, narval, koalamud, smaug, papaya

Samuel Hocevar writes:
 > Package: broadcast2000
 > Homepage: http://heroine.linuxave.net/
 > License: GPL
 > Description: an MPEG2 authoring tool

I have ITP'd that too, but I'm not insisting on it, I just want to
have it in woody.

How did you handle the different libraries which are part of broadcast ?
shouldn't be quicktime4linux a separate package, and, speaking of that,
libdv, see also http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0011/msg01092.html>
Also, quicktime4linux has some funny licensing issues.


This is a Quicktime library for UNIX in a freely redistributable,
statically linkable library.  You can statically link it in a program
and charge money for the program.  The only condition is that if you
use it in a program, you must put the author's name and email
somewhere.  If you improve the library itself or add a free codec to
it, you should release your improvements.  If you redistribute the
code, you must also redistribute the author information and
documentation.  At this time it's very popular to license stuff under
the GPL.  You are free to include this library in a derived work and
license the derived work under GPL.


then libdv depends on libraw, which is in preparation by Andreas Bombe
(the upstream author, who isn't a debian developer yet)



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