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Re: Anarchism package

Aaron Lehmann wrote:

Please, please do
wrap your lines like this.

It's the great mozilla. I'm not sure what it's doing :)

$ apt-cache search bible
bible-kjv-text - King James Version of the Bible - text and
dict-easton - Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
dictd - Dictionary Server
bible-kjv - King James Version of the Bible: user interface program.
perspic-texts - Some pre-indexed texts for perspic
verse - Daily Devotional Verse from KJV Bible
dict-hitchcock - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary

Yep, debian already has the bible and dictionaries.

But please consider the following situtations, and tell me if there's anything different from the situation with bible or anarchism

* Let's say some other turkish developer is a very good muslim, and he wants to make quran into a debian package. it would have go into non-free ;) (this is a religious joke if you know the specifics of quran, it can't be modified) but still it could become a package since it's pretty much like the bible, right? * then let's say I'm entering the scene, and I'm packaging a free book on satanism. And I'm putting it in debian. This should be eligible too since that's just another religious document. * Then, someone else comes in and receives some messages from god, and wants to start up his own religion. Becomes a debian developer and publishes his work as free software. * Then, there's the ethnic group in some eastern european country, and they do think that they're the pure and superior race, and that they have the right to do ethnical cleansing, and they've written a political document licensed under a free documentation license. One of these guys is in debian and makes that a package.

So what?? I don't think that developers must have the final verdict on what is useful for users in at least such cases. For free software, it's *different*. Debian just can't afford supporting *free speech* and it isn't one of the goals of the project. It definitely isn't.

My resolution: remove all this mumbo jumbo from debian (bible, quran, anarchism, .*ism) etc. And keep the really useful ones like the dictionary.

I'm hoping that nobody will question why dictionary is unlike bible. Dictionary consists merely of facts, while those other things (which I referred to as mumbo jumbo) aren't.

BTW, this is *not* flamebait. Don't think it its. I'm an atheist (but that's in fact the wrong term to describe my view on religion), but I think a document on atheism would be mumbo jumbo, too.

Either you have to allow all sorts of documents, (for instance there's an interactive short story, what is it? fiction or software? ;) or you need some general guidelines on what documents are eligible for inclusion.

Putting them in another section wouldn't be a solution, they should be made into a separate distribution (like contrib, non-free, non-us)



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