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Re: free alternatives to JDK

>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Zander <gibreel@debian.org> writes:

    Stephen> Hell will freeze over before jdk >= 1.2 gets into Debian
    Stephen> unless Sun explicitly grants permission for third-parties
    Stephen> to redistribute said jdk.  Feel free to mount whatever
    Stephen> letter/e-mail/in-person protests you wish to try and make
    Stephen> this happen.

Why are free alternatives, eg jikes and kaffe not compatible
with jdk 1.2 and jdk 1.3 programs?

Is this because they cannot keep up with the rate of change in JDK?

If so, then this would appear to be a serious limitation in Java,
because you cannot test new programs (including new open source
programs, eg Cocoon2) without installing non-DFSG software.

Cocoon2 requires JDK 1.2, and there was some talk that new libraries
used would require JDK 1.3 (there was some confusion over this point,
so I may be mistaken).
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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