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Re: the problems with Debian

>>"David" == David Bristel <targon@targonia.com> writes:

 David> We have two very large problems with the Debian community
 David> right now in my opinion.  The first is that it takes far too
 David> long to RELEASE anything.

	This is actively being worked upon. The package pool idea
 would help. subscribe to debian-pool for updates and discussion.

 David> And by the time it does, each developer of a package needs to
 David> make changes, over and over again to compensate for this.  The

	Huh? Could you elaborate, please? We do have policy changes
 (FHS and LSB compliance are likely to cause package level changes),
 but we do try and keep changes that impact every package to a

 David> second is that Debian by it's design, has grown too large for
 David> a single, "We throw everything into the pot, and wait for
 David> everything to be cooked properly before anything can be done"
 David> If you let things "cook" for too long, the people you are
 David> doing all the work for will forget they ever wanted it and go
 David> somewhere else.

	Whom are we doing all the work for, then? I certainly am doing
 it for mysself. I am not going away. Really.

 David> My solution consists of doing releases of each "Category" of
 David> package.  Starting with base.  Once base is "ready" for
 David> release, you can go to doing both the GUI(XFree86), and the
 David> other categories that require NOTHING that is not in base.
 David> The next phase would be for the applications that require the
 David> things that came before.  Note that once the previous phase is
 David> done, there will be no additional changes in that section,
 David> except bug fixes.  If a major bug is found in a previous
 David> section, an emergency fix is called, and all things that
 David> require that earlier secion are checked against the new fix.

	This would make releases impossibly long. You'll probably
 never release a whole system that weay; by the time base is frozen,
 and fixed, you need to free each category, and some may need changes
 to base by that time (new modutils, for example), and we start all

	You think the current method is sluggish? The new method is
 going to be way worse. And you may well lose out on general system
 level integration and testing. If you try to retain that, the release
 process would strech well beyond what it is now.

	A far better method is the package pool effort.

 Girls are better looking in snowstorms. Archie Goodwin
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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