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Re: CDD-package inside of Debian or out?

On Wednesday 25 May 2005 12:12, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> On 24-05-2005 16:15, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis) wrote:
> > Take Skolelinux, unless I'm totally mistaken the the Skolelinux package
> > archive contains all of woody (+some extra's that didn't make it into
> > woody for whatever reason),
> > For space reasons (obviously) the 1 Skolelinux CD only contains those
> > parts we use (by default)
> >
> > -> That's not "taking away choices",
> > -> It is "taking away the _necessity_ to choose", i.e. the user only
> > has to bother making(/secondguessing) a choice when he absolutely wants
> > to
> Debian gives you a choice of GNOME and KDE (and other ones or no)
> desktop.
> You claim Skolelinux gives exact same choices as Debian, just with KDE
> as the default? So Afterstep not working from LTSP clients in Skolelinux
> is a Skolelinux bug?

If you put any two pieces of software together and expect them to work 
together, you might be lucky or unlucky, have it work or not work. 
The only thing Debian guarantees is that you can use and install both 
independently , there are no guarantees made for them to work together.

-> Skolelinux has ensured that KDE works with LTSP, if you want to use 
something else, you're free to do so, but you're not guaranteed it will 
work together just like that 
(I'm not familiar with the problems afterstep on ltsp gives. 
I'm assuming that after you install afterstep on a LTSP-client you can run 
it on the LTSP server, but not from the LTSP-client? If so then afterstep 
works, and LTSP works, they just don't work together. 
Which could be a bug in LTSP, a bug in Afterstep, or some fundamental 
incompatibility between the two. In any case it's not a Skolelinux bug as 
Skolelinux makes no guarantees abouth Afterstep and LTSP working together)

I don't see any problem here, you differ from the choices, then you'll have 
to carry the maintenance (and setup) costs of those differences.

> Skolelinux is an (almost) Debian-compliant, tweaked subset of Debian.
> Adding non-Skolelinux sources to a Skolelinux APT sources.list (including
> the Debian superset mirrored at skolelinux.no) will probably work, but in
> doing so you are in fact turning your system into an APT-based Debian- and
> Skolelinux-derived bastard.

hm, [1] that debian superset mirrored at skolelinux.no is active by default 
on any Skolelinux installation no?

And yes by doing anything that remakes one of the choices Skolelinux made 
you're stepping away from a pure skolelinux install, creating a local 
derivative. Obviously the maintenance of all differentations is on you, 
including any work you'll have to do to make it work nice with the other 
choices made by Skolelinux (all you're guaranteed is that the alternate 
choice will install, and work on it's own, not that it will be configured 
to work together with the other choices made by Skolelinnux, or even that 
it's possible to make it work together at all).


> For each choice taken away (or wiped, hidden, suppressed, overruled or
> whatever you wanna call it) by a CDD, you are free to put it back again,
> but in doing so you release yourself from that aspect of the CDD.

naturally, and that's a perfectly valid thing to do IMO (ergo the choice was 
still there for those wanting it), all the power of Debian with a different 
starting point then Debian-proper provides.
Cheers, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis)
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2. Plain-text mail recommended since I move html and double
    format mails to a low priority folder (they're mainly spam)

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