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Re: survival skills for teenage geeks

On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 02:33:01AM -0800, Alexander Hvostov wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-01-24 at 07:41, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > (More seriously, ISTR there being verses which actually do say that
> > contacting any source of supernatural power other than God is talking
> > to Satan, although he might pretend to be someone/something else.
> Well, that is entirely possible. To what end might Satan do such a
> thing?

Why, to corrupt the souls of those who don't know any better, of

> > Went to abortion-
> > rights rallies and sat on the sidelines eating Domino's pizza.
> I thought Bible thumpers were generally _against_ abortion?

Exactly!  Some of the Domino's bigwigs were making contributions to
anti-abortion groups.  The fun part was walking through the crowd
with a stack of Domino's boxes.  Most of the ralliers would just look
confused, while the hard-core types would make comments about "oh,
that's sick!" or the like.

> > Completely missed out on popular 80s music because I only listened to
> > christian rock.
> I completely missed out on popular 80s music because I wasn't old enough
> to care. :P

That explains why the concept of christian rap has you so confused...
Back in the 80's, gangsta rap hadn't been invented yet (or at least
it wasn't in the mainstream public's eye).  Rap was defined by the
music back then, not the lyrics or a hardcore antiauthoritarian-to-
criminal attitude.  If I understand the current terminology correctly,
that which is called "hip-hop" today would have been called "rap" back

> > I _actually_played_ DragonRaid, the christian-themed
> > role-playing game - er, I mean "Adventure Learning System"
> > [snip]
> Sounds boring.

Oh, no...  It was quite fascinating to see how far they could stretch
their tortured allegory for spiritual warfare...  It was _stupid_,
but not necessarily boring.

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (http://stobblehouse.com/text/battle.html)

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