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Re: [g-i] freefont vs. dejavu

Hello again all fans of this thread (the T-shirt will be out soon) :D

On 22/03/2006, at 3:52 AM, Davide Viti wrote:

On Tue, Mar 21, 2006 at 04:33:29PM +1030, Clytie Siddall wrote:
Meanwhile, Freefont "works" for Vietnamese,
it's just not as good as we would like. For example, even at 16pt, I
have to guess many of the words, because the accents over the vowels
blend into the line above. However, that's Freefont's issue.

hopefully g-i will put more attention on font development.

I probably should have asked this after the first post, but ... what is g-i? GNU-install? Gnome-install? <frivolous>General Incredulity?</ frivolous> (Clytie has a terrible tendency to frivolity.)

Today I took
a look at dejavu and found out that all the necessary glyphs needed by
Vietnamese are contained in version 2.4 (I thought 2.3 was ok but I was

Yay for 2.4! :)

<grabs font package>

Can we use it for Vietnamese? Yes, if we don't have anything better. :)

I understand your point: I still think showing our interest will "inspire"
font developers / maintainers.

So do I. I found the Verajja author very responsive, and I've written that detailed feedback for freefont. I can also point people to my newly-constructed comparative font page [1], which isn't definitive, but does put some examples up where people can see them. (Must find time to translate that page.)

As said before, I think the best option for
a project like g-i would be a package like freefont or dejavu covering almost all languages without using too many bytes and with a nice visual effect.

I agree. I have said so repeatedly, during a thread about fonts for packaging, on both debian-i18n and gnome-i18n. It means most new users have a default font which will show their language readably. This is an accessibility issue, as well as an internationalization one.

Do we have a link where I can point people, about Debian being about
to release? Also, will we be doing Release Notes and generally waving
the flag a bit? I'd like to know, so I can (1) translate the release
notes and (2) spread the good news on Vietnamese sites. :D

I'd say the wiki [1] and debian-boot. Once g-i will be more officially
integrated with d-i we'll see if and how webpages will be changed.

Thanks. I'll try to keep track of the evolving timeline. ;)

[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/GUI

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

[1] http://www.riverland.net.au/~clytie/viet/fonts.html

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