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Re: [g-i] fonts: a few thoughts

Frans Pop wrote:
On Tuesday 06 December 2005 14:52, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:

ok, let's suppose we can setup a correct gtkrc file every time we need
it: then the GTK frontend will have to read /etc/gtkrc at every
frontend_go() call and so we must be sure this wouldn't be cause of
performance degradation.

Could we not trigger (force) a re-read externally somehow?

If i'm not wrong, every time a d-i component is started (main-menu, partman ecc..) frontend_initialize() is called: if parsing the updated gtkrc file once every time a d-i component is started is enough, then performance issues wouldn't be a problem and the GTK frontend's code would stay "unhacked". Vice versa, i think we can for sure "tell" the GTK frontend to reload gtkrc, but what would be the most appropriate way? adding a frontend_reload_fonts() function to the cdebconf frontend API? telling him to display a dummy debconf/reload_configuration question? I think parsing the gtkrc file at every frontend_initialize() call would be the best way to reload updated fonts preferences.



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