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Re: sarge installer and 3rd party modules

Hi Bart,

I'm no expert but this sounds similar to the problem I had booting off a USB hard drive that I had installed to - only difference seems to be you require a custom module whereas I just needed to pick up some which were there but were not being used. Have a look at the instructions in my installation report...


you'd need to put your module in the target as well obviously, not sure how you'd do that.

It'd be great if the installer made adding extra/custom modules easier than this... still you can't have everything I suppose ;-).


Bart Duchesne wrote:
Hi all,

I've been trying to get my system installed with the latest sarge-netinst image using a USB flashdisk.

I have a supermicro system containing a marvell 4-port SATA controller, I received the driver source from supermicro compiled it for 2.6.8-1-386 and put the resulting module on the USB stick.

The installer boots allows me to configure country/language/keyboard, before the install program itself starts I exit to a shell and load the mv_sata.ko driver, it loads correctly and disks are detected. I can continue to setup the system (even the RAID ; it surprised me but you guys made really a great installer). But when installing the base system, there suddendly comes an error while creating the initrd image that it cannot find the mv_sata module and the installer stops.

What is the best way to include a 3rd party module that works as it should in the installer process ?


Bart Duchesne

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