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Re: end-of-story (USB keyboard support on complicated hardware)

#include <hallo.h>
debian-boot-request@lists.debian.org wrote on Wed Jan 02, 2002 um 06:41:15PM:

> > It does not for me. It works the same was as usuall: loads and starts
> > the kernel immediately, no initrd loading.
> Please reread my message, you need to tell syslinux to load the initrd.

You did not give any hints about syslinux' configuration, and in the
manpage I did not find any hints about different syslinux/initrd

Windows 3.x-Airlines
Das Flughafen-Terminal ist schön bunt, die Stewardessen und Stewards
freundlich. Man gelangt ohne Probleme an Bord, ein reibungsloser Start
-plötzlich und ohne jegliche Verwarnung stürzt dann das Flugzeug ab.

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