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Re: RedHat Anaconda and graphical install

Lalo Martins <lalo@webcom.com> writes:

> Anaconda does support console. The reason I mentioned keeping
> dinstall around is to have an alternative till Anaconda is
> really stable; then we can trash it.

If Anaconda is as good as needed, then yes, it could replace
dbootstrap, why not?

Honestly, we have a hard enough time maintaining
boot-floppies. Anything which makes it easier for us, including
sucking in a large piece of free software from elsewhere that fits our
needs, is great.

> But it's agreed that we do want a graphical installation for
> the next version. And some of us are working for debian
> spinoffs (me and my pet project, and DZ with prosa). So, would
> you ``gurus'' take a look, and would you mind if some of us
> ``newbies'' branched off working on it?

I encourage exploratory effort, especially if done by folks who can
summarize strengths/weaknesses, and if they are familiar with our
needs.  And it doesn't distract us from the fearsome potato freeze.

> (Because anyway, dbootstrap is a complex piece of software, and
> I don't see myself understanding it soon enought to work on it
> before potato is out.)

Its a complex problem that it's solving -- the software itself is
actually a pretty simple C program.  I would say "boot-floppies" is
pretty complex.

> Massimo, what do you think about Anaconda? (I know you'll like
> three features of it: modular, interpreted, multi-UI)

That sounds nice.  Is it cross-platform?  What drives the UI?

What was the URL?

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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