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Re: What is the best way to install potato?

Onno <ebbin200@tech.nhl.nl> writes:

> I wonder what the best way is to install potato since there
> are no boot floppies and a base system for potato.
> Iv'e pllayed around and came up with this:
> - Booted from my slink CD and installed the base.
> - Skiped the last two steps ('profile' select and dselect).
> - Executed: apt-get dist-upgrade (from my local mirror with unstable)
> At this point in time there _should_ be a potato base
> with an slink kernal.
> - Use dselect in the normal fasion (with unstable ofcourse)
> Is this the correct/best way to get potato installed ?

It certainly should work.

> What is the best way to install a 2.2 kernel?
> What sub versionn of the kernel? (11?, 12?)

The best way is probably to get kernel sources for the newest kernel
(I suggest 2.2.12 or better -- 2.2.11 has a really bad flaw).  Then
use kernel-package to build debs for the new kernel, and then install
them.  The install manual talks about this.

BTW, potato should work with both 2.0.x and 2.2.x (and even 2.3.x)
kernels.  It is *certified* with 2.2.x but that doesn't mean you have
to run that kernel.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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