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New installation program(s)?

I realize one of the major discussions here is trashing the
existing installation system. What follows is an evaluation of
what would this task mean.

1: What do we want

a: more friendly interface
  a.1: optional GUI install, if X|fb runs on the user's hardware
  a.2: optional no-questions "auto" installation
  a.3: optional networked installation
  where "optional" means "the user may choose it"

b: more detection, less questions
  b.1: use fsresize on the HD if needed
  b.2: use the detection capabilities (ISA, PCI, PnP) of k2.2.x
  b.3: if there is an "install server" running, fetch
      configuration data from there instead of user

c: internationalization - without requiring a recompilation
  c.1: language should be the _VERY FIRST_ question on install

2: Steps

These are, IMVHO, the steps of a multi-mode installation tool.
The first column is the "source" of the step; "---" means it's
something the program _does_ (as opposed to getting some
configuration information), and letters mean it gets config data
from some source. The order of the letters is the order tried.

N: Network (from a Debian Network Installation server that
   stores config data; I'm going to call this DNI for the
     purposes of this message)
U: User
D: Detection (perhaps MandrakeSoft's libdetect)
L: Leave it for later (ie, if all sources listed before "L"
   fail, leave this unconfigured and ask again later)

---  boot from CD, floppy, bootp or tftp
NL   network (try bootp; a DNI server serves bootp, so if not
     we're going to need the network then bootp will work)
NU   language
DNU  video (card, monitor)
DN   if install is going to use a "live" fs, where is it;
     first try a CD, then DNI. Should try non-DNI NFS? This
     would require asking the user for address, and, of course,
     doing non-automatic configuration of the network if it
     isn't configured yet)
NL   if using DNI, "install mode" - see later for what's this -
     is going to be "DNI", so we don't make any further
     questions to the user (and don't even attempt graphic
     mode). Perhaps the DNI protocol should have a provision to
     "skip" info, so the server can not have info on one of the
     steps and this one will be asked from the users - for
     example, in some networks it may not be possible for the
     server to know which partition layout should be used in
     each station
---  try to start X or framebuffer graphic mode. As soon as
     graphic mode is up, display a dialog where user has to
     click "Continue"; if this timeouts, close graphic mode,
     assuming user isn't seeing the dialog (happens on SiS
     boards if you try VGA mode).
---  if graphic mode didn't work, fall back on curses-ish
     interface for the next step. In this case, mouse support is
     a very important plus.
DNU  mouse
NU   location (sets up language dialect, timezone and perhaps
     some other things we think of later)
NU   keyboard layout (is there some way to detect this?)
NU   install mode. Options are "auto" or "custom"; "auto" means
     choosing from one installation profile; then all things
     from now on marked "U" are asked to the profile instead of
     the user, with the exception of the partition layout. If
     "auto" is chosen, then we ask _now_ for root's password, so
     that the user may go get a coffe or something.
NDU  partition layout. If we're using a profile, the thing gets
     uglier; see after the list for my POV.
NDU  lilo (to mbr or not to mbr, are there other systems, which
     one is the default)
---  repartition, mkswap, swapon, mkfs, install "base" system
     (which now includes kernel and X or fb), save some config
     info including install mode and which client (GUI, text or
     DNI non-interactive) is being used, lilo - but make linux
     the default regardless of what the user chose)
---  BOOT into the install. This may require serious hacks if we
     want a real "auto" mode, because we want to get into the
     newly installed system, not the install (CD|floppy|...)
NDU  drivers. Even in "U" mode, we should ask as little as
     possible unless user said something like "expert" somewhere
NDU  base system config (hmm, if we already have language,
     timezone and network, what's missing? WM, if we have X?)
NU   packages; first use "meta"-packages, then one of gnome-apt,
     apt-find (when usable) or dselect. Or perhaps come up with
     a "tree-like" structure - user either selects "GNOME" or
     clicks somewhere to select packages within this meta-pkg
NU   users (including root's password if "custom" mode, first
     user - and set exim to send root's mail to this first
     user? Or have this as a default but ask for confirmation?)
---  if user didn't select X packages and we're using X, get out
     of it and proceed in text mode
---  install packages, remove installation programs, remove
     packages that were part of the base system but user didn't
     select later
NU   let dpkg configure packages - of course we need a way to
     make this non-interactive, but this discussion is old :-)
---  end

Well, as of partition layout in "auto" mode (or "DNI" mode if
the server tells the client to ask):

IMVHO the very nice "fsresize" package is what we want if we
don't find free space. But then, even if the user already told
us to don't ask anything anymore, we will want to ask how much
space to cut off from the existing OS.

Hmm... I overdid it again :-) Well, different from other things
I designed in the past, this is not cheap talk or vapourware -
I'm being _paid_ to do that, so this will get done. Of course
I'm a Debian developer so I'd prefer to do it the way the
consensus prefer. But my job here is to make a "Debian for
dummies" sub-distro (the actual term we use internally is
"Debian for orangotangoes" and we're seriously thinking of using
a very-cute chimp as our logo), so I need this to be _easier_
than installing (RH|OpenLinux|Windows), even if all this ease
and beauty is optional (as an old-time Debian user I like the
idea of being able to get out of the "pretty" stuff and give the
options manually if I need to).

      I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
                 Resistance is futile.

http://www.webcom.com/lalo      mailto:lalo@webcom.com
                 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux       --        http://www.debian.org

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