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Re: dpkg modification: non-interactivity

>>>>> "WA" == Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma@cs.leidenuniv.nl> writes:

    WA> We should specify a list of requirements for a database, and
    WA> base the interface on that. After that we can move the
    WA> implementation. Expect a proposal on this from me on saturday.

  I don't know if I quite understand you here - surely a database is
merely one way of implementing the backends to this? I was visualising 
the database backend as being a solution for the case of multiple
machines with identical configurations - am I missing the point?

  If one is installing a single machine, then all that is required is
for the scripts to ask questions at install time in exactly the same
way that they do now. There is no point in storing two copies of the
configuration, as it doesn't actually serve any practical purpose
(such as easy replication onto another machine)..


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