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Vacation for Bruce / V Plans

I'm going to the beach for a couple of weeks and won't be
able to respond to any e-mail. It will probably take me
a while to catch up after I'm back, so be patient.

Thanks so much for using V and all the feedback that so
many of you give to help make V better.

Just for your information, here's a rough outline of
the near term future of my plans for V:

V 1.22 - maybe a June release. Will officially add the
  popup menus. Will have some minor bug fixes. Will
  have an enhanced vTextEdit class - more features.
  Should have class to start the browser for displaying
  html help pages.

Other plans - maybe 1.22, maybe not:

A command canvas - will allow control and placement of
V command objects (buttons, lists, etc.) in a canvas pane
instead of just dialogs or tool bars.

Multi list.

A new layout manager for dialogs. Will probably be available
only with Windows, OS/2, and X gtk versions, and will be
based on the gtk layout tools.


I'm actually working a lot on the V IDE. The major news is
I have the basics of a front end to gdb working. This will
allow you to run gdb from inside VIDE and mark breakpoints
in the source file, examine values by a right click, and
other stuff. I also plan to implement it so that you can
directly enter any gdb command to gdb for full gdb capability.
I also will add Replace, Undo, and a startup configurationi
file to remember open files, fonts, preferences, etc.

I plan to provide a code template library (not to be confused
with C++ <templates>) that will contain common constructs -
V dialogs, switch statements, for loops, etc. Not quite
an interactive designer, but I think it will really make
it quite a bit easier for creating new basic code blocks.

AND - I'm extending VIDE to work with Java. There will be
C++ projects and Java projects, and the behavior of VIDE
will change depending on the target language. It will also
work with jdb (the java debugger).

If any one is interested in enhancing VIDE, I have a couple
of specifics in mind. The most useful would be to write
emulations for your favorite editor. The most likely
candidates would be for Vi and Emacs, but other command
sets would be useful. It is actually pretty easy to write
a command emulator. If features are missing, you can either
add them to the emulator, or work with me to add them
directly to vTextEdit. You can model the emulation after
the See emulation already included.

I'd really like to turn VIDE into the GPL IDE of choice.
Other than Emacs, there really isn't a good GPL IDE
available. And while Emacs can do almost anything you
want to, it has a very steep learning curve, and I think
actually has too many features.

So, I'm open to adding other features to VIDE, but I don't
want it to get so bloated it is giant and hard to used.
Interfaces to standard GNU tools (grep comes to mind)
might be useful. If you have anything you'd like to see
done, or better help with, please let me know.


Bruce E. Wampler, Ph.D.

Author of the V C++ GUI Framework

e-mail: mailto:bruce@objectcentral.com
web:    http://www.objectcentral.com

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