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PDF V Reference Manual

After several requests for a printable version of the V Reference
I discovered a terrific program called HTMLDOC that produces PDF files
from HTML. So I generated a linearized version of the V HTML

It doesn't have the index found in the old LaTeX version, but there is a
very nice table of contents that HTMLDOC generated automatically. It
as easy to use as the HTML version, but it isn't bad and can be printed.
I think
the HTML version converted by HTMLDOC to PDF is a better hard copy
than the old LaTeX version converted to HTML was HTML. So I'm now back
to having
the ability to maintain the docs as nice HTML, but still automatically
produce a printable version.

It is available at:  ftp://objectcentral.com/vref121.pdf


Bruce E. Wampler, Ph.D.

Author of the V C++ GUI Framework

e-mail: mailto:bruce@objectcentral.com
web:    http://www.objectcentral.com

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