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Re: New Member website ready for testing

On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 09:03:51PM +0200, Nils Lohner wrote:
> - the password entry should be secure.  It's probably better to 
> generate a random password and allow the user to change it later using 
> a secure web page
I'm not sure what you mean by secure.  Do you mean the application page
should be via HTTPS?  

> - "Registration is ok!! Your application date is 2001-05-15. "  Can we 
> provide a record number or something (sequence number?) so we can track 
> records if the person misspells everything?  Also, please change it to 
> 'SPI membership application submitted successfully on 
> 2001-05-15.\n\nYou should receive a confirmation email at the email 
> address that you specified in the application.'  I don't know if 
> anything else is needed on this page... probably not.
There is a membership sequence number and a applicatiosn sequence
number.  The page gives you the application one.

> - if someone doesn't respond to the confirmation email, how long before 
> the record gets deleted?  I'd say ~2 days is good...
At the moment it doesn't.  I can put an automatic reaper in there
similar to the advocation script on Debian.

> - the "SPI Membership Application Sucessful" mail comes from Craig 
> Small; it should come from the nm alias (whoever that ends up being).  
> And it should be 'Successful' with 2 c's.
All changed.

> - the status page http://nm.spi-inc.org/nmstatus.php should allow the 
> user to edit the fields needed for contributing membership, or have a 
> link to another web page where he can supply the information needed and 
> submit it.
It will be on that page, contrib isn't covered yet as there are still
some issues to iron out about non-contrib.

> - clicking 'status' on the status page gave an error about the URL not 
> being found.
Works ok here now, let me kow if it still does it.

> - let's simplify things: the users can ONLY apply for a non-contrib 
> membership off the main page, and then once their email is confirmed 
> (it's quick) they need to log in to continue their application.  
> This'll make the front page less complicated and the process easier to 
> manage I think since we're sure to have a valid email by the time the 
> contrib application is submitted.
OK, will do it.

> - question: should we allow them to freely edit their name and/or email 
> addr?
At first, I'd say no.
We can always add this later.

  - Craig
Craig Small VK2XLZ  GnuPG:1C1B D893 1418 2AF4 45EE  95CB C76C E5AC 12CA DFA5
Eye-Net Consulting http://www.eye-net.com.au/        <csmall@eye-net.com.au>
MIEEE <csmall@ieee.org>                 Debian developer <csmall@debian.org>

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