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Re: [DRAFT 2] Bylwas Revision: COMMITTEES

On Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 05:46:47PM -0500, Lynn Winebarger wrote:
>     Just curious about how difficult it will be to add more permanent
> committees.  I'm thinking that as the organization grows, some tasks
> left to the BOD will become too onerous for them to handle, but will be
> important enough to need a dedicated committee (budget work may fall in
> this category if the ball really get rolling in donations/supported
> projects).  I think the two are fine to start with, as long as more can be
> added as they become needed.

"Permanent committees" can be added by just activating a charter and never
deactivating it.  The idea behind putting commmittees in the By-Laws is to
make it very difficult to ever disband the commitee.  Because it's not
listed here doesn't mean it has to expire...

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