Re: [PROPOSAL] Open Source certification
On Sat, Apr 10, 1999 at 05:08:20AM -0000, Russell Nelson wrote:
> > > > * This should read ``The Open Source Initiative is
> > > > currently working with Apple to fix the few remaining flaws in
> > > > the license'', or something similar.
> > > One doesn't admit to a mistake without having a solution in place.
> > > It's simply not done.
> >
> > It is too done.
> You're confusing what hackers do amongst themselves with what suits do.
> OSI doesn't exist to talk to hackers. It talks to suits, and has to
> talk their language.
You are playing a dangerous game. I don't think it is possible to merge
business and Free Software, so I think OSI will loose the game anyway. But
maybe you don't want to have the contacts to the Free Software community
anymore, because, let's face it, you are closing up.
The "Open Software Initiative" is a CLOSED organzization. That's damn near
to hypocrisy.
You are doing very well talking to suits. Now you have to learn again how to
talk to us, the people doing Free Software. Otherwise we'll forget you more
then happily, too.
> > Further, not doing it makes you look like you're not interested in
> > correcting those mistakes.
> There will be an APSL 1.1.
Who cares? Should I be interested in APSL 1.1? How should I know?
> > Those would be my demands. I'd also like to see OSI keep a record of
> > licenses that are open source, and ones that aren't on the
> > pages; ideally with some discussion of what's good about them and what's
> > not.
> The OSD 1.3 has the ones that are. There are too many others to list
> them.
*laugh*, sure. Another indication of your closed organization. Why should
you publish the fruits of your work? Suits don't do it either.
I think I'm done with OSI. Sorry if this comments are so destructive. The
only constructive comment I can give is that you should try as fast as
possible to be as "Open" as you can. If you target the suits only, you have
to expect that only suits will pay attention to you.
`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian finger brinkmd@
Marcus Brinkmann GNU for public PGP Key PGP Key ID 36E7CD09
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