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Bug#827037: RFS: xpad/4.8.0-1 [ITA]

control: tag -1 -moreinfo

> Here's a more complete review.  I hope it is helpful to you.

Sure is, thanks!

> I ran debdiff and found that the new version installs
> /usr/share/xpad/help/xpad-user-help.txt.  Shouldn't this be in
> /usr/share/doc/xpad?  If xpad needs to load this file, you could make
> a symlink from /usr/share/xpad/help to /usr/share/doc or add a patch.

Good find. While the file in itself doesn't do any harm as installed by
upstream, it could indeed be useful as documentation. Decided to link
the other way around though, i.e. from /usr/share/doc/xpad to its
current location (in accordance with policy section 12.3).

> You seem to have added an upstream signing key and modified d/watch,
> but I couldn't find mention of this in your changelog entry.

My bad, had to revert some of the initial changes as the pubkey was
nowhere to be found (despite signed releases) and then forgot to
restore the changelog entry after asking upstream about that in

> It's great you are closing so many bugs :)

All for that warm feeling on rainy days such as this ;)

> >   * Patches:
> >     + remove missing.diff, no longer needed.  
> It would be good to say in the changelog why it's no longer needed
> (obsoleted by XX?  applied upstream?).

Unfortunately, that patch came completely undocumented and didn't make
much sense, so I went with a delete-and-see approach here. Could well
be that using autoreconf was all it took to get rid of it. The lack of
info about why it was there in the first place makes it hard to provide
more details beyond the simple notion of being 'no longer needed'.

> >   * Remove Debian menu support as per #741573.  
> That is a very long bug report.  It would be better to refer to the
> section of the Debian Policy that states the deprecation.

This is a standard and well known change implemented in numerous
packages nowadays. Afaik, no section in policy explicitly mentions the
deprecation; the text was just changed to that effect. I'll mention the
ctte decision in d/changelog in the hope of preventing others from
wasting time reading that lengthy bug report but that's about all I can
do here.

> I think you mean "debhelper build dependency".  Bumping the version of
> debhelper means making a release of debhelper...

Obviously. Reworded.
> It seems that you ran wrap-and-sort to improve the formatting of the
> control file.  This is usually mentioned in the Debian changelog with
> the options that you passed to wrap-and-sort, e.g.
>    * Run wrap-and-sort -abst

Sorted/reordered them alright, never even imagined someone would have
created a tool for that though. I'll add a note to the changelog.

> >   * Docs: don't install AUTHORS, THANKS, TODO (not relevant for end
> >     users) or NEWS (superseded by ChangeLog).  
> (It's been discussed above that I think this is unnecessary and has
> the potential to damage relations with upstream; just mentioning it
> here so that this e-mail forms a complete review.)

Just to be clear: I'm not going to let something this trivial stand in
the way of sponsorship. But until then: let's agree to disagree.

> >   * Rules:
> >     + simplify to just dh sequencer with autoreconf.
> >     + enable all hardening.  
> Are you sure you need the override_dh_installchangelogs target?  I
> thought that dh_installchangelogs automatically tried common names
> like "ChangeLog".

Seems not, removed.

Package on mentors has been updated.

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