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Bug#797888: RFS: panda3d/1.9.0-1 [ITP] -- Panda3D free 3D engine SDK


again sorry for the delay.

- please switch the rules file to debhelper calls :)

What exactly?

-"install -m 644 debian/shlibs debian/panda3d1.9.0/DEBIAN/shlibs"


all the DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH (I guess, didn't try) might be fixed by patching the makepanda/makepanda.py file (probably around line 1596) and maybe somewhere else

I would like to avoid that, mainly because the work would be obsolete soon, as upstream wants to switch to CMake in the (more or less) near future.

- please limit to 80 chars the contrl file (I mean the line length)


- section games maybe?


- panda3d should depend on the library with a "(= ${binary:Version})"
- rename panda3d1.9.0 to libpanda3d1.9.0?

Did that, too.

built/lib/lib*.so usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/panda3d/
this should be in the -dev package

You realized that these files aren't symlinks but libraries? So really don't think this would be correct. One example:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   772576 Aug 10 11:01 libpandagl.so

Best regards, Jörn

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