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Bug#797636: RFS: variety/0.5.4-1 [ITP]

Hi Gianfranco,

Thanks for the quick reply!

> 1) please remove everything from changelog.
> usually it is better to keep just an "initial ... Closes: #XXX" entry
> 2)  Bonus points for using pybuild instead of distutils-extra :)
> 3) Bonus points for using install_requires: in setup.py instead of hardcoding all the
> dependencies in control file Runtime Depends (letting python:Depends do its job)
This was all done by upstream's packaging, which I used as a base.
Credits to Peter Levi :)
> 4) rules: I think the uscan get-orig-source can be dropped, but I didn't try
get-orig-source is entirely an optional target, but it makes fetching
the source tarball easier if you only have the debian/ tree handy. Other
sponsors have asked for it before.
> 5) copyright: please provide something more than a symlink for the GPL-3 license
> 6) I desktop-entry-lacks-keywords-entry
> usr/share/applications/variety.desktop
> please fix if possible
> 7) X privacy-breach-generic
> usr/share/variety/panoramio/panoramio.html (https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&libraries=panoramio,places)
This is used for the "Add Panoramio" feature in Variety (In the General
tab of Variety Preferences - Images section - Add - Panoramio). When
chosen, it opens up a window with a Google Maps overlay allowing you to
pick a location to get Panoramio images from. Because this is only
loaded upon request, I'm not sure it's really a privacy breach. Removing
it would mean loss of functionality or, at the very least, having to use
a less friendly way of looking up locations.
Panoramio is a location-based photo sharing service operated by Google:


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