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Re: [Nbd] Moving this list to lists.debian.org?

> On 25 Jul 2017, at 15:27, Wouter Verhelst <w@...112...> wrote:
> A long-standing complaint on this list is that the signal-to-spam ratio
> of it has been terrible since we made it an open subscription list. When
> I talked to sourceforge support about it, they essentially said "so
> don't make it an open subscription list", which is not acceptable for a
> list that is listed in the MAINTAINERS file in the kernel.
> I had planned on asking for a list to be created on alioth.debian.org,
> but in light of that now being decomissioned, the alioth maintainers
> have told me I should instead aim for creating a list on
> lists.debian.org instead. They require public subscription, but that's
> what we want anyway, and they require that the list is for software
> already in Debian, but that's also the case. So it seems like we might
> be able to fit.
> Is there anyone on this list who would object to that? If so, are there
> any suggestions for better alternatives?
> If no objections are put forward, I'll go ahead with asking for creation
> of the list in a few weeks.

Moving it anywhere but sourceforge seems like a good plan. The other
obvious choice would be vger.kernel.org, but I'm happy with Debian.

To be aware of: I believe moving to Debian mailing lists means that
users need to abide by the Debian Code of Conduct
(https://www.debian.org/code_of_conduct). This is in my opinion
no bad thing, but people should be aware of this as it is (I believe,
correct me if I am wrong) a consequence of the move. Note the code
of conduct thing isn't a contributor agreement or whatever, it is
in essence a statement that you should be respectful to people on
the list and therefore should be unobjectionable.

Also note https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct

Alex Bligh

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