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Re: [Nbd] [PATCH v3 4/5] doc: Propose STRUCTURED_REPLY extension

On 03/31/2016 11:57 AM, Alex Bligh wrote:
> I know that in practice *lengths* > 2^31 are hardly ever used by any
> client, so I'd like to say "the maximum length you can send me is
> 2^31 - 1".

>> Large-file support on 32 bit architectures has existed since several
>> decades now. We should not cater to that; people should just write
>> software that can handle LFS offsets.
> It's not offsets that are the issue, it's lengths.

Even in POSIX, write() takes size_t length on in put, but ssize_t result
on output, and a successful the return value MUST be the number of bytes
actually written.  So, on a 32-bit platform where ssize_t cannot
represent 2^32, you can request a write for larger than that size, but
the kernel MUST treat it as a short write, because the kernel CANNOT
convert your large size_t request into a negative ssize_t result and
still comply with POSIX.  This is true whether or not off_t is 64 bits.

Given that our current NBD_CMD_WRITE is all-or-none, there's no way to
report the error that happens (under the hood, the server would HAVE to
split a 2^31+1 byte write request into two write() calls, but you still
have the risk of partial failure even if the first call succeeds) - of
course, with the addition of structured replies, error-with-offset is
great at reporting short writes.

> I'd also like to say "I'd like my offsets / lengths to be a multiple of 4k"
> so I can open O_DIRECT. Or at least say "can you cope with only offsets /
> lengths that are a multiple of 4k, as if so I can perform better". But
> this should probably be on a different wish-list!

Yep, several emails now hinting that we want to add an extension for
length negotiation; I've started a strawman locally, but it's not
polished enough to post yet, with all the churn on structured replies first.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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