Re: [Nbd] [PATCH 2/2] nbd-server: remove unused CFILE_ -error codes
- To: Tuomas Jorma Juhani Räsänen <tuomasjjrasanen@...1261...>
- Cc:
- Subject: Re: [Nbd] [PATCH 2/2] nbd-server: remove unused CFILE_ -error codes
- From: Wouter Verhelst <w@...112...>
- Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2012 22:31:13 +0100
- Message-id: <20121231213113.GH16921@...3...>
- In-reply-to: <20121231172916.GA8492@...1259...>
- References: <20121230211436.GA16920@...1259...> <20121231090131.GC16921@...3...> <20121231172916.GA8492@...1259...>
On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 07:29:16PM +0200, Tuomas Jorma Juhani Räsänen wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 10:01:31AM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> > NAK, sorry. The fact that these aren't used doesn't mean we need to
> > remove them, it means we may need to add checks -- unless you have a
> > good argument why they don't make sense?
> >
> No problem. I think it's a matter of taste. I am used to keeping
> source code free of unreferenced code.
I do agree with that in the general situation; unreferenced functions,
for instance, indeed do not have a place in well-maintained code.
Just not in this particular instance;
> But I can see your point in keeping these hanging around, as
> reminders, until the corresponding test is implemented.
Copyshops should do vouchers. So that next time some bureaucracy requires you
to mail a form in triplicate, you can mail it just once, add a voucher, and
save on postage.
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