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Re: /tset/LSB.fhs/root/bin/bin-tc 45 failure - /bin/ping

At 2002/5/14 21:44-0400  Matt Wilson writes:
> No, that's not what the LSB requires.  The requirement is "The
> implementation provides an exec-able version of the ping utility in
> the /bin directory."  The test is wrong because it tries to run:
> /bin/ping -c 2 localhost
> A sufficient test would be
> [ -x /bin/ping ]

Sure, but the problem is not that simple.  ping is explicitly put in
/bin but this is done because it is useful for non root users (See the
rationale for section 3.14.1 of the FHS). But a non setuid ping is
_not_ useful for non root users. So it should either live in /bin and
be setuid or not be setuid and live in /sbin.

I think we should bump this up to the spec authority to resolve. As
and indication of future direction its likely that many of the
explicit requirements like ping in the FHS will be removed with the
guidelines to make it possible to work out where programs should live
like in the above paragraph left behind. This should remove these sort
of contradictions in the FHS.

btw ping is not in the commands section of the LSB but it is included
via the FHS. I'm not sure what this means from the view point of an
application (whether or not they're allowed to rely on it being
present and working). Probably another reason for the SA to handle


IBM OzLabs Linux Development Group
Canberra, Australia

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