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Re: test?

George, All,

On Mar 6,  3:30pm in "test?", gk4@us.ibm.com wrote:
> I know that I've asked this before, but I'm having difficulties searching
> with the debian interface.
> What ncurses test cases are there?   Who holds the license for them?   Do
> we need permission to use them?  Has the LSB ran these lately?  Can this
> information be put on the status page somewhere?

I cannot speak of tests for ncurses per se since I'm not familiar with
the implementation.
There are test suites for the Curses specification within the Single
UNIX Specification (testing color and wide character curses), however
The Open Group only licenses these from a third party for use in its
certification program and does not have rights to make them available
for other purposes.

> Regarding the VSW tests cases for X11, who holds the license for them? Do
> we need permission to use them?  Has the LSB ran these lately?
> Can this information be put on the status page somewhere?
It depends on which version of VSW. The VSW4 test suite is
freely available from The Open Group web site under the MIT X11 license.
There are discussions underway between The Open Group , the company
who licenses VSW5 (the latest derivative of VSW) to The Open Group and X.Org
to make a freely available unsupported version of VSW5 available.

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