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The -d option of ls and SUS

I'm having trouble interpreting the meaning of the SUS description for the
-d option, when compared with the actual behavior and manpages for ls.

SUS says:

-d - Do not treat directories differently from other types of files.
     The use of -d with -R produces unspecified results.

The ls manpage says:

       -d, --directory
              list directory entries instead of contents

This seems to contradict the SUS, but then an example is even more

First an 'ls -p' (to show the directories), then an 'ls -d':

dwarf:/etc/X11# ls -p
WindowMaker/      XF86Config.test3      Xsession.options         twm/
X@                XF86Config.works.xf3  Xwrapper.config          wdm/
XF86Config        XF86Config~           app-defaults/            xinit/
XF86Config-4      XftConfig             fonts/                   xkb/
XF86Config-4~     Xmodmap               fs/                      xserver/
XF86Config.new    Xresources/           newxserver.xserver-svga  xsm/
XF86Config.old    Xserver               rgb.txt
XF86Config.test   Xsession              rstart/
XF86Config.test2  Xsession.d/           temp.txt
dwarf:/etc/X11# ls -d


dwarf:/etc/X11# ls -d ./*
./WindowMaker           ./XF86Config~       ./fs
./X                     ./XftConfig         ./newxserver.xserver-svga
./XF86Config            ./Xmodmap           ./rgb.txt
./XF86Config-4          ./Xresources        ./rstart
./XF86Config-4~         ./Xserver           ./temp.txt
./XF86Config.new        ./Xsession          ./twm
./XF86Config.old        ./Xsession.d        ./wdm
./XF86Config.test       ./Xsession.options  ./xinit
./XF86Config.test2      ./Xwrapper.config   ./xkb
./XF86Config.test3      ./app-defaults      ./xserver
./XF86Config.works.xf3  ./fonts             ./xsm

So, what should the LSB spec say about this?

Waiting is,

_-_-_-_-_-   Author of "Dwarf's Guide to Debian GNU/Linux"  _-_-_-_-_-_-
_-                                                                    _-
_- aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (850) 656-9769     _-
_-       Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road          _-
_-       e-mail:  dwarf@polaris.net     Tallahassee, FL  32308        _-
_-                                                                    _-
_-_-_-_-_-  Released under the GNU Free Documentation License   _-_-_-_-
              available at: http://www.polaris.net/~dwarf/

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