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Re: LSB packages

My understanding is that there would be:

A package "lsb-sun-staroffice-5.2.i386.rpm" with the registry name
"sun-staroffice-5.2" installed in /opt/sun/staroffice, which is not to be
confused with "lsb-openoffice-6.3.2.i386.rpm" that is installed in
/opt/openoffice.   The end-user gets to pick which to use, but it does not
impact the system.

George Kraft IV
IBM Linux Technology Center
FSG's Linux Standard Base

Aleksei Rovensky <ar@ares.sot.com> on 07/17/2001 06:04:04 AM

To:   lsb-spec@lists.linuxbase.org
Subject:  LSB packages


I'm trying to understand the following text from LSB v.1.0
"All LSB package names must begin with the prefix "lsb-" to avoid
conflicting with existing packages used by Linux distributions."

I have interpreted that so, that when a third party make's a software
that works on LSB based ditro, then they should use that prefix.
Eg. SUN with StarOffice: lsb-staroffice-5.2.i386.rpm

What do you think?



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