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Re: No group write API: do not remove note

From: <gk4@us.ibm.com>
> Johannes,
> Yesterday I was attempting to cleanup all of the FIXMEs and NOTEs in
> specification.   The excerpt below shows that I removed the
> comment/observation that I had received from JFH.   I guess I could add
> back the removed text less the "According to..." and the NOTE tags.
> this be acceptable?

Since I am "JFH" (God Bless, George, did I lose my first name
somewhere along the way?!?  I'm gonna have to stop by your
office and give you a wedgie or something), I'll toss my US$0.02
in here -- yes, the warning is needed.  Programmers need to get
away from "grep /etc/passwd" and "fopen (/etc/passwd)" and
all similar forms of perversion.

What's also needed in Linux, and I'm trying to get my manager to
approve the work effort -- so you might want to send Mounir a
note supporting this -- is a pair of "listing" commands, similar to
"lsuser" and "lsgroup" in AIX and "userlist" and "grouplist" elsewhere.

It's too late for them to make it into the spec, but someone needs
to take that effort on and produce both of those commands.  If
someone is interested in taking that on, please don't hesitate to
drop me a note, either at this e-mail address or jfh@austin.ibm.com.

-- Julie.

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