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Re: should not specify default group for users

Previously Alan Cox wrote:
> Customers want <100

Sadly it seems that 99 uids won't be enough in the future, especially
now that people are realizing that you should not run everything as
daemon or nobody...

Debian has reserved 100-999 for `dynamically allocated system users and
groups', and we only put things in 0-99 that should always be present on
a system. This has worked quite well for us. 

> Do we allocate a range very high in 32bit uid space as well ? Discuss 8)

Debian has reserved the range 60000-64999 for packages that need static
uids. (ie weird things like qmail which insist on setting a uid at
compile-time). It's not used a lot though (qmail, fidogate, mysql and
netplan only).

> We should be narrowly focused. And when you consider the narrowness of focus
> then we shouldnt be specifying this at all. It doesn't matter if I am right
> or you are right - its end user policy, its going to vary and therefore 
> applications have to work regardless. Therefore we gain nothing but annoyed
> users by specifying it..

It would be nice to have a way (or range) for dynamically created system
accounts so software can use that. And we probably need a list of
uids/gids that should be present on all systems (audio, video, cdrom,
utmp, etc.)


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