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Re: PROPOSAL for FHS revised : Mount points for CDs, floppies and a lien OS partitions.]

Thorsten Kukuk wrote:

>> No, the majority doesn't have cdrom in /mnt. Red Hat has it, and
>> Red Hat has only the majority in USA. In Europe, it is SuSE Linux,
>> in Asia TurboLinux.

Robert Hart writes:
> I do not wish to have a market share discussion on this list but the
> above is simply NOT borne out by any statistics available from
> reputable sources.
> An argument based on this erroneous data should therefore not be used to
> promote/demote any particular position in the LSB.

I also do not wish to have a market share discussion.  I can almost
guarantee that technical arguments primarily based on market share will
be ignored or discounted.  Please drop it right here.

Addressing the technical issue at hand, /mnt has been specified as a
single mount point for temporary use since the original FSSTND 1.0
released on February 14, 1994 (and it was used that way on every
distribution predating FSSTND).  A single /mnt mount point has been the
standard practice on most Unix systems for longer than Linux has been
around.  Multiple directories under /mnt also conflicts with the
standard system administration practice of mounting on /mnt --
directories under /mnt are made inaccessible to all users when a someone
mounts something on /mnt as root.  It's simply a bad idea to put user
mounts under /mnt because they are likely to break.

For all of the above technical reasons, I do not support changing FHS to
specify any hierarchical structure under /mnt (optional or otherwise).

However, it does seem that we could benefit from having a subdirectory
off of / or /var for temporary mount points, even if the structure
therein is loosely defined.  There are several proposals over on the FHS
list (the correct list for this entire discussion, BTW) for how to name
and structure the new directory, something should be finalized for the
next revision of FHS.


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