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PROPOSAL: a common menu system.


I think to have a common menu system for applications between
desktop/window managers is highly important for the end user. I know
Gnome/Kde are agree to have the same .desktop format, but what about
the other window manager ? and what about the groups (nothing yet is

We here at Mandrake we have switched (from 7.1) to the GNU/Debian
menu system, the menu system has the ability to act as ''backend'. For
example i have an application with a menu entry in /usr/lib/menu/gimp,
say : 

?package(gimp): \
command="gimp" \
icon="wilbur.xpm" \
section="Multimedia/Graphics" \
title="The GIMP" longtitle="The GNU Image Manipulation Program" \

With the wm-menu-method based in /etc/menu-methods/ when i run an
update-menu the files (.desktop for gnome .kdelnk for kde etc...) will
be generated automagically. 

It's dynamic i18nable and user-wide-configurable. 

It's a big jump for a distribution but it's really a necessary for

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In travel.                                        --Chmouel

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